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Where to get

Lots of outfits (gnogpacks) are available in the Crown Shop.

Some outfits are quest rewards or event rewards.

What to do

Once bought or received as reward, it goes into your inventory bag, as a gnogpack.

Double Click on it and it will go immediately into your Wardrobe, which is a new feature since 2019. Wardrobe

The images you will see for the different outfits do look different depending on which class you are or even gender.

An example: Technologist

Which ones available

Event related

Sugarsweet Summit

These are available in the region - payment is in Fluffy Cotton Candy.

Twilight Vale

These are available in the region - payment is in Tear of Vesesia.

These are available in the Crown Shop

The Oases of Anuk'Amon

These are available in the region - payment is in Vial of the Sands.

These are available in the Crown Shop

The Haunted Moors

These are available in the region - payment is in Candy Corn .

Grinchta's Lair

These are available in the region - payment is in Yuletide Joy and Yuletide Spirit.

These are available in the Crown Shop

Crown Shop

Guard the Realms
Mystical Creatures
Death and Darkness
Master Magic
Wanderer & Explorer
Be Inventive
Helms and Hats
Torso Packs