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Type Reinforcement

Intellect can be any of the following in Villagers & Heroes:

Intellect as a Rune

Increases Max Mana.


  • Intellect can be found on Helms and Weapons.

Intellect as a Stat

Intellect boosts Maximum Mana by a certain amount (Min = 0; Max = 3000). Intellect is helpful for any class that uses a lot of mana in short spurts.


  • Intellect can be found either as a native stat or as a reinforcement rune. Intellect can be found on Class Tokens, Helms, Necklaces, Rings, and Weapons.
  • Intellect can be further increased for a time using Breakfasts, Mana Rolls, or Scornyx.


  • Mana Potions will restore 10% of your missing mana whenever you use them. That means if you have a large mana pool and wait until your mana is almost depleted, you can make excellent use of your mana potions, even in raids.
  • Combined with Will and Clarity, Intellect can drastically decrease your mana potion consumption.